
Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Soal-Soal Latihan Descriptive Text

1. Miss Judes is not a kind woman so she has ... friends.
a. few
b. many
c. a lot of
d. a little

2. Not many tourists know Lombok Island so only ... tourists come there.
a. a lot of
b. any
c. a little 
d. a few

3. I've never seen ... people in one place. It's very crowded.
a. so much
b. so many
c. so few
d. so little

4. We have done ... work today than we did yesterday.
a. less
b. fewer
c. much
d. many

5. Though Vina is a newcomer, she has made ... friends.
a. a little
b. much
c. any
d. many

6. Fewer books mean ... information and more books mean more information.
a. a little
b. less
c. many
d. a few

7. Nindra : How much money did you spend on this dress?
    Umma : It was much ... than I intended. It costs a lot.
a. fewer
b. most
c. more
d. less

8. I can't write the letter because there isn't ... ink in the bottle.
a. any
b. some
c. a lot of
d. less

9. Mother wants to make soup for the family. She needs ... meat for it.
a. much
b. a few
c. many
d. more

10. Luna Maya got a lot of money so she bought ...things.
a. much
b. less
c. little
d. many

11.There's ... food on the table.
a. much
b. many
c. any
d. several

12. Once a year, a motorcycle race ia held for world championship, ... motorcycles entered for the race last year.
a. a great number of
b. little
c. much
d. a large amount of

13. I don't know where my sister is because there are ... people at the exhibition show.
a. a great number of
b. a few
c. much
d. a large amount of

14. I think I am going to ATM to withdraw ... money.
a. a few
b. little
c. several
d. some

15. Dhanti wants to go to Jakarta. She needs ... hours to arrive there.
a. any
b. much
c. a few
d. a great deal of

16.  ... penguins live in the south pole.
a. much
b. many
c. a few
d. a little

17. The Massive is the famous Indonesian band, ... teenagers love it.
a. much
b. any
c. a great number of
d. a little

18. After ... loud explosion, people are going out of their village to the save place.
a. many
b. some
c. a large amount of
d. a few

19. ... oxen are given to the farmer to enrich their income.
a. much
b. many
c. a few
d. a little

20. The government gives ... help to the Mount Merapi victims. 
a. any
b. many
c. some
d. a few

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